Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday, 4/1/14

Tuesday Homework

ELA: Section 1 Qs from "From the Mixed Up Files.."
Math: Test Tutor Test 1, Qs 1-22
Writing: Finish your opinion writing piece on "Zoo Animals
Science 5th Grade: I.T pg. 243-250; Flashcards

Field Trip to Piedmont Hills High School tomorrow.  Wear your class t-shirt.

SBAC Testing Schedule for our class: 

5/1/14: ELA 11:25-1:00pm
5/7/14: Math 9:10-10:25 am
5/7/14 and 5/12/14: 5th Grade Science
5/12/14: Classroom PT Activity
5/13/14: ELA PT Part 1 1:15- 2:15pm
5/15/14: ELA PT Part 2 8:10-9:10 am

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