Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, 4/29/14


Please do research on "Screen time".  Take down notes to cite evidence when you begin writing your opinion essay.

No Homework will be assigned during testing period.  5th grade will have take home science test.

SBAC Testing Schedule for 4/5

5/1/14: ELA 11:25-1:00pm
5/7/14: Math 9:10-10:25 am
5/9/14 and 5/12/14: 5th Grade Science
5/12/14: Classroom PT Activity
5/13/14: ELA PT Part 1 1:15- 2:15pm
5/15/14: ELA PT Part 2 8:10-9:10 am

Important Dates

Field Trip to Don Edwards: 4/30/14
Students wear class t-shirt, comfortable shoes, and bag lunch.
Chaperones: Mr. Wu, Mrs. Mai, Mr. Pham, Mr. Nguyen, Mr Vo, and Mr. Wayne.
Leaving @ 8:30 am
Arriving back no later than 2:30 pm

Family Fun Night: 5/2/14

Spell -A- Thon test: 5/2/14

Open House: 5/8/14

Spell -A- Thon Pledge Money Due: 5/9/14

Science Fair Project: 5/6/14

4th Grade Mission Project: 5/7/14

Cube Book Report: 5/7/14

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