Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, 3/31/14

Monday Homework

ELA: Summary of Ch. 2 and 3 from "Mixed Up Files..."; Jamie's Character sketch on the template discussed in class.
Math: Worksheet 4, 5,  6 and 7
Writing: Finish the opinion writing piece we have been working in class by Wednesday, 4/2/14
5th Grade Science: I.T pg. 237-242; Finish "States of Matter" poster with definition of all the Vocabulary words defined.

Some Important Dates/Events

Field trip to Piedmont Hill High School for the production of "Beauty and the Beast": 4/2/14
Chaperones are: Mrs. Mai, Mr. Lin,  and Ms. Hong
Training for Don Edwards: 4/3/14
Attending the training are: Mr. Nguyen, Mr. Wu, Mr. Vo, and Mr. Wayne
Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge: 4/30/14
Chaperones are: Mr. Nguyen, Mr. Wu, Mr. Vo,Mrs. Mai, Mr. Pham, and Mr. Wayne
PTA Movie Night: Friday, 4/11/14
5th Grade Panoramic Picture: Wednesday, 4/9/14
Spring Picture: Wednesday, 4/9/14
5th Grade Sierramont Visit: May 29, 2014

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