Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday, 3/3/14

Monday Homework

ELA: W.W lesson 18, 18A &18B; Reading Response Log

Everyone should be done with at least six readings, three roles, and 6-8 reading response logs in their Literature circles.

4th Grade Math: Unfinished class work; P.B Pg. 225-226

4th Grade Science: Flash Cards; I.T Pg. 181-183

5th Grade Math: Unfinished class work; P.B Pg. 227-228

5th Grade Science: Flash Cards; I.T Pg. 191-196

Make a Difference Raffle 2014: Raffle flyers/envelops were sent home today.  I encourage you to buy the raffle tickets.  It helps raise funds and gives you an opportunity to win prizes.

Field Trip Sign up Sheet:  Thank you all for signing up your precious time for our field trips.  We still have few openings, please sign up for those. 
4th grade field trip to Mission is only for 4th graders so 4th grade parents have to sign.  I have only one parent sign up, I need 4 more.

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