Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, 9/26/2013

Thursday Homework

4th and 5th Grade
Grammar Rule 2; Frindle Q 6-10

4th Grade Math
P.B Pg. 45-48

4th Grade Science
Correct your test, get it signed by parents

4th Grade Math
P.B Pg. 38-40

5th Grade Science
Review and Test Practices (T.B Pg.34-35)


Writing 5th Grade
My Walden West Experience Peer Editing: 9/30/13 (date has been extended)
My Walden West Experience (final): 10/07/13

Writing 4th Grade
Ralph S. Mouse(Response to Literature): 9/30/2013

Walk A Thon: 10/10/2013
Field Trip to Don Edwards: 10/23/2013

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