Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, 9/30/2013

Monday Homework

4th & 5th Grade ELA
W.W Lesson 3, 3A & 3B; Coraline Part 1, Chapter 1 questions(1-8)

5th Grade
Math: P.B Pg. 43-46; Flashcards

4th Grade
Science: Flashcards; P.B Pg.33-38

4th grade Students took math test and graded work was sent home.

5th grade students took test, i have not graded it yet.

Upcoming Events:
SF Junior Training Camp: 10/04/2014
send back permission slips if your child wants to participate

Walk A Thon: 10/10/2013

Field Trip: 10/23/2013

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