Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, 1/29/14

Wednesday Homework

ELA: W.W Lesson 14, 14E

5th Grade
Math: P. B Pg. 197-198
Science: Test and Review Practice for Ch. 6;
 Study for the test

4th Grade
Math: Study for the test
Science: Flashcards; I.T Pg. 144-147

Lunar New Year Celebration: 1/31/14
Parade @ 11:00 am Students are encouraged to wear their cultural costumes.  Parents are welcome to join the parade.

Valentine's Party: 2/14/14
It is also early dismissal on that day.

Upcoming Field Trips

Art spark: March 26, 2014
4-5 Volunteers needed

Beauty and the Beast: April 2, 2014
No volunteers needed

Don Edwards Wild Life Refuge Volunteer Parent Training: April 3, 2014
6 Volunteers needed

Don Edwards Wild Life Refuge: April 30, 2014 Volunteers needed

Mission San Juan Bautista (4th grade only): June 6, 2014
5 Volunteers needed

Quick Silver Mining Museum: TBA (sometimes in May end)
5-6 Volunteers needed

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