Monday, April 15, 2013

Week of 4/15/13

Monday, 4/15/13
ELA: Comprehension (The Story Of Exodus 1947)
Math: Unfinished Class work; Worksheet 91 & 93
Science: Take Home Test on Earth Science

Tuesday, 4/16/13
ELA: Comprehension (Roanoke Island's Lost Colony)
Math: Unfinished Class work;
Science: Take Home Test on Earth Science

Wednesday, 4/17/13
ELA: Grammar Rule 23
Math: P.B Pg.229-230; T.B 18.2 all
Science: Take Home Test on Physical Science
Word Activity: Spelling Activity 8 for Section 1 Vocab. Words

Thursday, 4/18/13
ELA: Grammar Rule 24
Math: P.B Pg. ; unfinished classwork
Science: Take Home Test on Physical Science

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Spell A Thon Pledges Due: 4/19/13STAR Testing:4/29/13 - 5/10/13
Monterey Bay Aquarium Field Trip: 5/22/13
Science Fair Project: 5/15/13
Visit to Sierramont: 5/15/13
Book Report: 5/13/13
Open House: 5/16/13
Musical: 6/3/13
Field Day: 6/7/13
Promotion Ceremony: 6/14/13

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