Friday, October 19, 2012

10/19/12 Weekend H.W

Finish Digestion Poster
Have your Homework Reflection signed by your parents.

This week:

  • We had our pictures taken on 10/19/12.
  • Took a test on W.W lesson 5
  • Corrected test went home
  • Finished Body Systems
  • Finished History projected
  • In process of presenting our group Project
  • Had Project Cornerstone
  • Almost Finished Topic 3 in Math
Next Week:
  • W.W Lesson 6 Test: 10/26/12
  • Science Chapter 3 Test: 10/23/12
  • Halloween Party: 10/31/12: It is potluck, please let Ms. Doan know what you would bring.  We do not need napkins.
  • Walden West Experience: 10/31/12
  • Math District Test: 10/26/12
Have a wonderful weekend!  I'll see you all on Monday.

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