Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday, 5/28/14


Science Spin: (Population and Atmosphere)- Due on Friday

Congratulations to Kung Fu Pandas for excellent performance of "Gold Dust or Bust".  They worked hard on memorizing 10 songs, long scripts, and creating props.  I am so proud of each and every one of them for collaborating with each other and putting together such a fantastic show.

I have shared the video with all the parents via email.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday, 5/6/14


4th Grade Math:
Topic 11 Reteaching: All
Topic 12Reteaching: A-1,3,6; B-1,3; C-2,4; D-1,3,6; E-1,3; F-1
Topic 13Reteaching:  All

5th Grade Math:
Topic 11Reteaching: A-2,3; B-3,4; C-2; D-1,9; E-1,2
Topic 12Reteaching: A-3,5; B-3; C-4; D-5; E-1,2,3,4; F-1
Topic 13Reteaching: All

Spell-a-Thon Pledges are due by 5/9/14

Screen Use Essay (Final Draft): 5/6/14

Book Report: 5/7/14

Mission Report:5/6/14

Open House: 5/8/14

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, 5/5/14

Monday Homework

5th Grade Math:  Topic 4 Reteach: A-1,3,5; B-2,6,8; C-3,7; D- 3,7; E- 5,6,8; F- 1, 2
                               Topic 5 Reteach: A- 1,2; B- 1,3,5; C-3,4; D- 3,4; E- 3,4; F- 1
                               Topic 6 Reteach: A- 3,6; B-3,6; C-1,3,5; D- 2,4,6; E-3; F-1
5th Grade Science: Finish the take of test by Wednesday

4th Grade Math: Topic 4 Reteach: A-45,11,17; B-3;9 C-2,6; D- 1, 5; E- 1
                               Topic 5 Reteach: A-2, 4; B-1,4; C-2,3; D-1,5,7; E-1
                               Topic 6 Reteach: A-3,5; B-1,5; C-5,8; D-1,3; E-2,6; F-1

Spelling Test went home on Friday along with a pledge sheet
Pledge Money for Spell-a-Thon: 5/9/14

Science Fair Project: 5/6/14

Book Report: 5/7/14

Mission Report: 5/7/14