Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, 11/18/2013

Monday Homework

ELA: W.W Lesson 9, 9A & 9B

5th Grade MAth: P. B Pg. 117-118; Flashcards

4th Grade Math: P. B Pg. 139-140; Flashcard

4th Grade Writing: Finish Task 1 of Ecosystem

To retrieve your story, "Born to be Wild": 

  • Go to
  • Write the name of your story in the search box
  • Click on "born to be wild
Geometric Dictionary: 12/2/13
Book Report(Time Line): 12/09/13
Thanksgiving Break: 11/25/13-11/29/13
Conference week: 11/15/13- 11/22/13 Students will be dismissed @ 1:00 pm.  Be sure to pick them on time.
Please arrive for your conference on time as a courtesy to others.
Conferences are 20 minutes long, if for some reason you need more time, schedule another appointment.

Tuesday Homework

ELA: W.W Lesson 9, 9C & 9D

5th Grade MAth: P. B Pg. 119-120; Flashcards

4th Grade Math: P. B Pg. 140-141; Flashcard

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday. 11/14/13

Thursday Homework

ELA: Grammar and Comprehension

Math 4th Grade: P.B Pg. 135-136; Tenmarks Assignment

Math 5th Grade: Tenmarks Assignment

5th Grade S. Studies: Finish Study Journal

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, 11/7/13

Thursday Homework

ELA: Grammar Rule 8

5th Grade Math: P.B Pg. 107-108
5th Grade Science: Test and review Practices

4th Grade Math: Reteach of Topic 7

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, 11/6/13

Wednesday Homework

ELA: W.W lesson 8, 8E

4th Grade Math: P. B Pg. 107-108
4th Grade Science: Test and Review Practice for Chapter 4

5th Grade Math: P. B Pg. 103-106
5th Grade Science: I.T Pg. 97-103

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, 11/5/13

Tuesday Homework

ELA: W.W lesson 8, 8C & 8 D

5th Grade Math: Divisibility Rule Chart
5th Grade Science: Flashcards; I.T Pg. 93-96

4th Grade Math: P.B Pg. 105-106
4th Grade Science: I.T Pg. 96-98

W.W lesson 8 Test: 11/8/13
4th Grade Math Test (Topic 7): 11/8/13

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, 11/04/2013

Monday Homework

ELA: W.W Lesson 8. 8A & 8B

5th Grade Math: Unfinished C.W; Study for test on Topic 7

4th Grade Math: Unfinished C.W; P.B Pg. 101-104
4th Grade Science: Unfinished C.W; I.T Pg. 88-93