Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, 9/30/2013

Monday Homework

4th & 5th Grade ELA
W.W Lesson 3, 3A & 3B; Coraline Part 1, Chapter 1 questions(1-8)

5th Grade
Math: P.B Pg. 43-46; Flashcards

4th Grade
Science: Flashcards; P.B Pg.33-38

4th grade Students took math test and graded work was sent home.

5th grade students took test, i have not graded it yet.

Upcoming Events:
SF Junior Training Camp: 10/04/2014
send back permission slips if your child wants to participate

Walk A Thon: 10/10/2013

Field Trip: 10/23/2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, 9/26/2013

Thursday Homework

4th and 5th Grade
Grammar Rule 2; Frindle Q 6-10

4th Grade Math
P.B Pg. 45-48

4th Grade Science
Correct your test, get it signed by parents

4th Grade Math
P.B Pg. 38-40

5th Grade Science
Review and Test Practices (T.B Pg.34-35)


Writing 5th Grade
My Walden West Experience Peer Editing: 9/30/13 (date has been extended)
My Walden West Experience (final): 10/07/13

Writing 4th Grade
Ralph S. Mouse(Response to Literature): 9/30/2013

Walk A Thon: 10/10/2013
Field Trip to Don Edwards: 10/23/2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, 9/25/13

 Wednesday Homework

4th and 5th Grade
ELA:  W.W Lesson 2, 2E
Frindle Questions 1-5

5th Grade: Flashcards; I.T Pg. 23- 27

Make sure to check Class Do Jo.  Access codes were sent home with students.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, 9/19/13

Thursday Homework

4th/5th Grade ELA: Grammar Rule 1

5th Grade Science: I.T Pg. 19-22
5th Grade Math: P.B Pg. 30.32, & 64; Flashcard

4th Grade Science: I.T Pg. 14-20; Flashcard
4th Grade Math: P.B Pg. 35-36; Flashcard

No Back to School Night for us
We had ours on 9/4/2013 along with 5th Grade.

Writing 5th Grade:
My Walden West EXperience Peer Editing: 9/25/2013
My Walden West Experience: 10/07/2013

Writing 4th Grade:
Ralph S Mouse (Response to Literature): 9/30/2013

Wordly Wise Lesson 1 Test: 9/20/2013
5th Grade Math Test on Topic 3: 9/23/2013
4th Grade Science Test on Chapter 1: 9/25/2013

Walk A Thon: 10/10/2013
Need Parent Volunteers

Field Trip to Don Edwards: 10/23/2013
Need Parent Volunteers

PTA Reflection Program Them Search
Information was sent home on Wednesday

PTA Ice Cream Social: 9/20/2013 @ 5:00 pm

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, 9/18/13

Wednesday Homework

4th/5th Grade ELA: W.W Lesson1, 1E

Wordly Wise Lesson 1 Test: 9/20/13
Book Report:  9/24/13 (moved one day further)

4th Grade Math: Flashcards (equation, factor, product, Commutative property of multiplication, Associative property of multiplication, Zero property of multiplication, Identity property of multiplication); P.B Pg. 3.3

5th Grade Science: Flashcards, I.T pg. 14-18

Draw Plant or Animal cell and label all the organelle.  Make it neat and colorful.
Due: 9/20/13

5th Grade Math: Flashcards (equation, factor, product, Commutative property of multiplication, Associative property of multiplication, Zero property of multiplication, Identity property of multiplication, underestimation, overestimation); P.B Pg. 3.1

Writing 5th Grade:

My Walden West Experience Peer dDiting: 9/25/2013
My Walden West Experience: 10/07/2013

Writing 4th Grade
Ralph S. Mouse (Response to Literature): 9/30/13

Walk A Thon: 10/10/13

Need parent volunteers
Field Trip to Don Edwards: 10/23/13
Need parent volunteers

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, 9/17/2013

Tuesday Homework

4th/5th Grade ELA: W.W Lesson1, 1C & 1 D; Summary Ch. 3-5 in your composition book

4th Grade Science: I.T Pg. 9-13
4th Grade Social Studies: Init 1 Lesson 3 Assessment Question 1-4, skip question # 5

5th Grade Science: I.T Pg. 8-13
Draw Plant or Animal cell and label all the organelle.  Make it neat and colorful.
Due: 9/20/13

Wordly Wise Lesson 1 Test: 9/20/13
Book Report:  9/23/13
My Walden West Experience: TBA

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, 9/16/2013

Homework: 9/16/2013
4/5th grade
ELA: W.W Lesson 1, 1A & 1B; Summary of Ch. 1 & 2
Math: Topic 1, Test Practice; Review Topic 2 Reteach Section
5th Grade
Science: Flash Cards, Re-read the lesson on Cells


Book Report: 9/23/13 
I shared the directions and samples with students in class.  We went over details as to how to pick the books.
My Walden West Experience: 9/30/13
W.W Lesson 1 Test: 9/20/13
T-Shirt Order Forms: 9/18/13

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday Homework!


ELA: Read and summarize Ch. 6 & 7 of Ralph S. Mouse
Word Work: 10 Vocabulary words from Ch. 6 & 7on Vocabulary Page
Science: I.T Pg 4-7
Math: P.B Pg. 5 & 6

Walden West Day 3

Listening to Scooby stories

On the Hike

Making Friends

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Walden West Day 1

Homework for Week of 09-09-2013

Week of 09/09/2013 Fourth Grade

Monday: 9/9/13

ELA: 10 Vocabulary Words from Ralph S. Mouse on the worksheet

Math: Practice Book Pg. 1 & 2; Flash cards

History: Summary Question from Unit 1, lesson 1 in your composition books.

Tuesday: 9/10/13

ELA: Ralph S. Mouse Chapter 2 Review & 10 Vocabulary Words with Definitions

Social Studies: Chapter 1 Unit Assessment Handout

Math: Pages 3 & 4 

Wednesday: 9/11/13

ELA: 10 Vocabulary Words from Ralph S. Mouse on the worksheet

Math: Practice Book Pg. 5 & 6; Flash cards

History: Summary Question from Unit 1, lesson 3 in your composition books.

Thursday: 9/12/13

ELA: 10 Vocabulary Words from Ralph S. Mouse on the worksheet

Math: Practice Book Pg. 7 & 8; Flash cards

History: Summary Question from Unit 1, lesson 4 in your composition books.

Fifth Grade:  

We reached safely at the Science Camp.  Weather is warm, but we are getting settled and getting to know new friends.  I'll post some pictures tonight.  Till then Goodbye!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Upcoming Events!

Upcoming Events:

Back to School Night: 5th grade and 4/5 on Wednesday, 09/04/2013 @ 6:30 pm
Walden West Information Night: Wednesday, 09/04/2013 @ 7:15 pm in Multi
Walden West Science Camp: 09/09/2013 - 09/13/2013

Class Rules

Last week we made class rules.  This is how it looks like