Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week of May 27,2013

Tuesday, 5/27/13
ELA: Comprehension (Panama Canal)

Wednesday, 5/28/13
Safety Patrol to Raging Waters

Thursday, 5/29/13
ELA: Grammar

Upcoming Events/Important Dates:

Growth and Development: 5/31/13

Family Fun Night: 5/31/13
Musical: 6/3/13
Field Day: 6/7/13
Class Party: 6/10/13
BBQ @ Cataldi Park: 6/12/13
Promotion Ceremony: 6/14/13

Monday, May 20, 2013

Week of May 20, 2013

Monday, 5/20/13

ELA: Comprehension (The Moai on Easter Island)

Tuesday, 5/21/13

ELA: Comprehension (A Monument to Love: The Taj Mahal)

Wednesday, 5/22/13

Field Trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium.  Plan to be at school by 7:50 am.  Students should wear comfortable shoes and class t-shirt and carry bag lunch.

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Monterey Bay Aquarium Field Trip: 5/22/13

Growth and Development: 5/31/13
Musical: 6/3/13
Field Day: 6/7/13
Promotion Ceremony: 6/14/13

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week Of May 13, 2013

Monday, 5/13/13
ELA: Reading Comprehension (Fit for a King....)
Math: Cosntruct solid figures (worksheet)
History: Unit 5, lesson 2, answer all the questions.

Tuesday, 5/14/13
ELA: Reading Comprehension (The Great Wall of China)
Math: P.B Pg. 181-182; unfinished C.W
History: The causes of Revolution

Wednesday, 5/15/13
ELA: Worksheet 32-35
History: The causes of Revolution
Thursday, 5/16/13
ELA: Worksheet 36-39
Math: TBA

Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Monterey Bay Aquarium Field Trip: 5/22/13Science Fair Project: 5/15/13
Visit to Sierramont: 5/15/13
5th Grade Information Night @ 6:00 pm @ Sierramont: 5/15/13
Science Fair Projects:5/14/13
Open House: 5/16/13
Growth and Development: 5/31/13
Musical: 6/3/13
Field Day: 6/7/13
Promotion Ceremony: 6/14/13

Friday, May 3, 2013

Uocoming Events

Upcoming Events/Important Dates

Monterey Bay Aquarium Field Trip: 5/22/13

Science Fair Project: 5/15/13
Visit to Sierramont: 5/15/13
5th Grade Information Night @ 6:00 pm @ Sierramont: 5/15/13
Science Fair Projects:5/14/13
Book Report: 5/13/13
Open House: 5/16/13
Musical: 6/3/13
Field Day: 6/7/13
Promotion Ceremony: 6/14/13